, pub-4206321618899137, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

STEP 1: 

Proceed to the main Counter-Strike Online 2 website to sign up for an account.


Just tick the FIRST checkbox to agree with all their T&C which is required. Then proceed to click the “Purple” button.


Then, insert all the account details as been described by the screenshot below. Do not tick the checkbox ! After that, proceed by clicking the “Purple” button. An authentication mail will then be send to your email address.


1) ID verification is required. Once you click the link in your email address. You will bring to a place that inform you ID verification is needed. Proceed by clicking the “Purple” button.

2) You may need to login TWICE.


3) Then, tick the checkbox and proceed.

4) Now, you are required to verify the account with a legitimate Korean phone number. Provided you figured this out. You may proceed by clicking the “Purple” button. Then, select a carrier that you are using. Once your account has been verified.



Back to the main Counter-Strike Online 2 website, click the “Red” button with the wording of “GAME START”.

You can download and run the game automatically by clicking the GAME START button.
If the game does not run automatically, you may download the client manually from the ‘Download‘ page and install it. Click the “FIRST” box to download the CSO2Installer.exe.



The first time you connect to the game, you can create nicknames for the game and home page. Up to 8 characters, up to 16 alphanumeric characters can be input. So, proceed and enter your desired nickname then click the box below to continue.


You will then be prompt on whether to begin with a tutorial or not. Click “OK” to begin or “Cancel” to proceed with the game.