Proceed to the home page and click on the red “Register” button to access the registration page. 



 Proceed by keying in your own email address then click on the blue button at the below. After that, access your email address for the verification link. 



STEP 3: 

Proceed by entering all then necessary details for the account creation. Kindly refers to the screenshot below:-



 In the next page, it will confirm your account details. Check the details and then proceed by ticking the checkbox for agree-ing their T&C. Proceed by clicking onto the blue box. 

The registration process has now completed. Proceed to download the Nexon Game Manager by downloading the CSO client. You can download it from here., pub-4206321618899137, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


You can just straight login from the main website and then click on “GAME START” to initiate the game. If you are been prompt to login, then login your registered account and click “GAME START” to initiate it again.


There are possibility that it has been blocked from accessing by other regions. Hence, players that are not from Japan will need to use a Virtual Private Network client to bypass the blockage. There are multiple free VPNs with access to Japanese based server. You may also use SoftEther VPN.

Install any of the Free VPNs that available to access the Japanese based server, access it so that it will changed your IP address into a local IP Address (Japan region). 



 Now, you must make sure the game clients together with the z01 and z02 files from the main’s Download Page are downloaded to prevent any form of errors during and after the installation. 

STEP 10:

Now proceed to launch the game through the main CSO2 home page, click on the big RED “LOGIN” button. Always avoid others login which include the Facebook, Twitter or even Google+.

Never ever run the client from the Desktop. This is because it would required some additional complicated security step. So let’s use the web login for now.

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