To register an account, proceed to the registration page.

STEP 2:  

Make sure that the 邮箱注册 (Email Registration) is selected by clicking on it.











Proceed and key-in your account details in accordance to the format as below:
1. Your Email Address
2. Your Password
3.  Confirm your password by retyping the same password.
4. This column required you to input a Chinese name. Proceed to a name generator site for your Chinese Name.
5. This column required a Chinese ID’s number. Proceed to this site for the generation of a 16-digits code.

6. This column required a Chinese phone number for verification purposes. You will have to get a Chinese phone number to receive the verification code and key it into the column at no.8.
7. Key-in the CAPTCHA code that you see into the coloumn at the left.

8. Insert the verification code that you have received., pub-4206321618899137, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Once completed all the steps above. You may now proceed to the Download Page and click the Chinese wording to initiate the download. Refers to the image below:-


STEP 4: 

After the download completed, proceed to run the installer, execute the client and wait for the update to be completed. Depends on the region, you can choose either 电信大区(Telecom Region) or 网通大区 (Netcom Region). Only ONE Character is allow per region. 


Proceed to enter the username and password of the account that you had created previously. Click onto the large orange bar. The fun is now begins!